
Hi! I’m Ashar and I started Nomadicera.com as a blog to write down my travel experiences. It’s been quiet a time as I have been traveling all along and I have come to realize that I like offbeat travel and road trips the most.

Hence, I focus on these 2 segments of travel. Offbeat travel and road trips.

I also try to compile travel suggestions & Ideas. I create itineraries, list things to do, travel tips, and love to recommend where to eat & what travel gear to buy, etc. primarily based on my own experiences. Compiling such tips & ideas allow me to help you plan your trip better and that’s what this blog is all about!

I particularly like exploring mountains and staying in homestays. During my travels, talking to locals and closely observing local cultures and cuisines are my favorite experiences. Of course, admiring the beauty of untouched nature also overwhelms me.

I have tried Solo travel. But, prefer traveling with friends, family, and strangers as well!

Have fun exploring the website! Feel free to comment and ask me questions!

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